This is a presentation I used for our fortnightly Learning and Teaching Briefing. One of the strands of Quality First Teaching is the appropriate use of teacher questioning, and this briefing was aimed at stimulating thinking on the part of our teaching staff about planning for and making question probing. There are a variety of ideas included in the presentation and one supporting document on Socratic Questioning. The presentation can be used to stimulate thinking and discussion and can support an extended inset on developing questioning within your school.
This has changed my marking life! Use this resource to cut down time spent marking, focus marking on skills rather than content. In this pack of resources you will find a generic marking tool for all Geography teachers and students to use in lessons, on written tasks and formal assessments; PPT, classroom poster (sent on purchase), assessment grid with mark code system and reflection sheets for use across key stages 3 and 4 to assist in feedback, assessment and marking. This resource will help you (the teacher) to streamline your marking using a generic tool that students will come to know, understand and trust. The tool uses the word DIGEST to encapsulate what makes great Geography and can be applied easily to any topic. I've been using it for 2 years, Geography outcomes have improved and I spend less time marking. You can use this tool to aid meaningful and accurate peer and self assessment and importantly it will help to focus students on their own strengths and improvements, aiding metacognition. It is adaptable to ANY topic. It will help with target setting, tumble marking and feed-forward. It will make your marking efficient and effective. Students love the ease of the tool, parents find it easy to understand.